Prayer/Counseling hotline: 07064359520
Website: www.emsofecwa.org


    Brethren, pray for us (1 Thess 5:25)

SATURDAY 1st  PRAISE GOD: Praise God for a new month and for a new life in Christ. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast”. (Eph 2:8-9)

SUNDAY 2nd  EMS HEADQUARTERS: Pray for the Director, the admin, Units Coordinators and all the HQTRS Staff and their families. “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority” (1 Tim 2:1-2)

MONDAY 3rd  SCHOOL SERVICES: Pray for the School services Coordinator, Rev. Ben Buba, staff and students of all the EMS schools and Mission field Schools

TUESDAY 4th ECWA HQTRS Today is set aside for prayer and fasting at the ECWA HQTRS. Pray for the ECWA Executive members and the ECWA HQTRS staff

WEDNESDAY 5th  CROSS BORDERS: Pray for all our Cross Borders missionaries. Ask God to raise supporters and missionaries for this Unit. “How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! (Rom 10:14-15)

THURSDAY 6th  FULANI/ RADIO MINISTRIES: Pray for wisdom and protection for the Coordinator of this Unit, Rev. Idris Shaaibu and members of his family. Pray for a successful Conference of the Fulbe Christian Association of Nigeria starting today to end on the 9th of this month at Jebu Miango near Jos. Pray for more missionaries to reach the Fulanis with the gospel. “Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all”. (Col 3:11)

FRIDAY 7th  SPORTS FRIENDS: Pray for the Coordinator, Rev. Emmanuel Ali and the activities of this Unit. Pray for more sporting activities this season.

SATURDAY 8th   ECWA RENEWD VISION: Thank God for the amazing things He has done so far as regards the ERV. Thank Him for all those He has been using to contribute towards the success of this project. Thank Him for the successful commissioning of the Church and other related projects in The Gambia by the ECWA Executive.

SUNDAY 9th  ECWA RENEWD VISION: Pray for God to raise more supporters and Church Planters for the ERV. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come”. (Matt 24:14)

MONDAY 10th THE SICK: At this moment some of our missionaries or their spouses or children are critical ill in hospitals. Also, some of our supporters and members of their families are suffering from one form of disease or the other. Please pray for God’s intervention to heal the sick from all their diseases.

TUESDAY 11th  NORTH CENTRAL REGION: Thank God for new 3 supporters in this Region. Pray for them and the old ones. Pray for God to help our 6 Coordinators that were recently transferred to other Regions. Pray for them to be able to adapt to their new places of assignments and for His favor to be upon them. Pray for the new Missionaries to be guided by the Holy Spirit in the field

WEDNESDAY 12th   NORTH CENTRAL REGION: Thank God for Dadin Kowa LCC in Bukuru DCC which is building a church and 3 classrooms in our mission school in Fadan Zigam. Also the Women Fellowship of this LCC donated 41 wrappers (uniforms) for The Gambian Missions.

THURSDAY 13th   EMS SUPPORTERS: Even in these difficult times, brethren are still making huge sacrifices for the gospel of Jesus Christ to spread. Pray for all our supporters including individuals, LCBs, LCCs, DCCs, agencies and others that God has been using to support the work of missions through the EMS

FRIDAY 14th CENTRAL REGION: Thank God for the film show at Abaji DCC, Lubakya, Kpagu LCC a strong Muslim area. There were 17 new converts while 10 others rededicated their lives. Pray for one of our new fastest growing Prayer Houses at Kutara Garki LCC. Thank God for the 10 new supporters in this Region in January 2014. 7 of these were from the ECWA Gospel Church Karu, Abuja. Pray for the family of our missionary, Rev. Jacob Duyah, who died on 08/02/2014.

SATURDAY 15th  NORTH WEST REGION: Thank God for 8 new missionaries that were recently posted to this region. Thank God for making it possible to pay our Missionaries’ salaries last month and also thank God for new 5 supporters in this Region. Pray for new converts and new literacy class Graduates. Pray for new supporters and small donors in this Region.

SUNDAY 16th FAR NORTH REGION: Pray for the new Regional Coordinator, Rev. Yahaya Bungule as he undertakes the odious task of turning this region around. Pray for all the newly posted Missionaries to this Region. Pray to God to raise supporters and more missionaries to this ripe mission field.

MONDAY 17th MID EAST REGION: Thank God for the protection over incessant Fulani Jihadists attacks. Pray for the newly posted Missionaries to this Region to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Thank God for raising new supporters last month. Thank God for healing the Regional Coordinator’s wife.

TUESDAY 18th MID-CENTRAL REGION: Thank God for the 92 Coverts last month. Pray for their spiritual growth and maturity. Thank God for the 5 new missionaries that were recently posted to this region. Thank God for 3 new supporters. Pray for the proposed mission conference coming up between the 3rd and 5th of April, 2014.

WEDNESDAY 19th NORTH-EAST REGION: Thank God for the new coverts last month. Pray for their spiritual growth and maturity. The Boko Haram sect has wrecked so much havoc in this Region. Please pray for God’s intervention.

THURSDAY 20th  SOUTH NORTH EAST: This Region has just been newly created. Pray for the Regional Coordinator, Rev. Nehemiah Magaji for wisdom, favor and strength. So many things need to be  put in place for the success of this Region. Please pray!

FRIDAY 21st  SOUTH WEST REGION: Pray for the Regional Coordinator, Rev. Cornelius Taiwo Adebayo as he undertakes the herculean task of turning this region around. Pray for all the Missionaries in this Region. Pray to God to raise supporters and more missionaries to this mission field

SATURDAY 22nd SOUTH EAST REGION: Praise God for the 199 people who heard the gospel and the 17 people that gave their lives to Christ. Pray for the people of Ukwota and Isieke as we plan to reach them with the gospel this month.

SUNDAY 23rd SOUTH EAST REGION: Pray for Pastor Sunday Danladi who was transferred to Garriki in Enugu DCC to work among the Muslims. Pray that God will use him in his new station. Pray for Paul Awaje as he settles down in his new station in Ezikoro in Yenegoa and also for Pastor Cyril Eke.

MONDAY 24th CITY MINISTRIES: Pray for the family members of Baba Dangana Yari (House Parent of Du) who lost their daughter. Thank God for the successful dedication of a 4 Bedrooms flat built and donated to Gidan Bege, Lafia by Mrs. Phoebe D. Ayenejeh. Thank God for the various food items that were donated to the ministry. Thank God for N2m received for the purchase of more grains.

TUESDAY 25th PRAYER AND FASTING: The EMS family is praying and fasting today. Please join us. Please feel free to contact us for a free copy of our detailed prayer needs.

WEDNESDAY 26th  EMS NEWS LETTER: God has been using this material as a powerful tool for the spread of the gospel of the Kingdom and to contribute towards the spiritual maturity of the brethren. About two million naira is needed annually for its quarterly production. Ask God to raise supporters for this project. Also pray for its sustainability, quality and for it to have more impact in the lives of those who are destined for the Kingdom of heaven.

THURSDAY 27th   UNCONVENTIONAL MISSIONARIES: Please ask God to raise carrier missionaries e.g. Doctors, Engineers, Pharmacists, accountants, Architects, missionary teachers and other professionals who would be willing to work as tent making missionaries in our various missions fields within Nigeria and overseas. “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." (Matt 9:38)

FRIDAY 28th   ECWA: Today, take time to pray for ECWA as a denomination. Pray for all her members, LCBs, LCCs, DCCs, GCC, Agencies, Departments and Units. Pray for ECWA leadership at the various levels. Pray for a revival in ECWA

SATURDAY  29th  THE BODY OF CHRIST: Pray for the followers of Jesus Christ to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth.

SUNDAY 30th   NIGERIA: Please intercede for Nigeria. Pray for her people, leaders and the government at the various levels. Pray for security, economy and the political class.

MONDAY 31st PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING: Today is the end of the month. Praise the LORD and give thanks for seeing us through. PRAISE THE LORD!



    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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