Prayer/Counseling hotline: 07064359520
Website: www.emsofecwa.org


    Brethren, pray for us (1 Thess 5:25)

TUESDAY 1st ECWA HQTRS: Praise God for a new month. Today is set aside for prayer and fasting at the ECWA HQTRS. Pray for the ECWA Executive members, HQTRS staff and other ECWA departments.

WEDNESDAY 2nd EMS HEADQUARTERS: Pray for the management staff as they continue to take crucial decisions that would affect the work of missions

THURSDAY 3rd MID-CENTRAL REGION: EMS Mission Conference starts in Kagoro today. Pray for journey mercy and safety for all the Missionaries, guests and resource persons. Let God’s will be done during this conference.

FRIDAY 4th MID-CENTRAL REGION: Pray for the conference which continues today. Pray for God’s intervention for the security situations in Kaura LGA where Fulani Jihadists have been attacking villages. Pray for comfort for the bereaved families. Thank God for additional supporters, Mr.& Mrs. Kadni in Saminaka DCC.

SATURDAY 5th FAR NORTH REGION: Thank God for the Pastors in Katsina and Sokoto DCCs who have pledged to support missionaries out of their meager resources. Mission awareness starts in Gusau and Sokoto today. Please pray for its successes. Also pray for this Region’s mission’s Committee members.

SUNDAY 6th CENTRAL REGION: Please pray for our station in Ugolawo. It’s in need of ₦300, OOO.00 only to purchase a land for the Church project. Pray for a revival in Igala land. Pray for the widow of late Rev. Jacob Duyah for God to comfort her.

MONDAY 7th CENTRAL REGION: Thank God for the DCC office that supported the EMS with the sum of N70, OOO.00 only. There is an urgent need for 7 motorcycles, please pray. Pray for all our missionaries and their supporters in this Region.

TUESDAY 8th MID EAST REGION: This Region has been under a siege by Fulani Jihadists and other terrorist groups. Please pray for God’s intervention.

WEDNESDAY 9th MID EAST REGION: Thank God or the outreach and evangelism by Miango DCC to the Region. Thank God for the 90 new converts last month. Pray for all the Missionaries and supporters in this Region.

THURSDAY 10th The GAMBIA: Praise God for a successful discipleship training that was held at Barra. Many pastors and church leaders were blessed.  Thank God for Rev Sam Akeju who facilitated. Pray for Rev. Silas, Pastor Chammang, and all the missionaries that God will continue to use them for the advancement of His Kingdom. Pray for the proposed projects that the Lord will provide all the needed funds.

FRIDAY 11th MALAWI: Praise God for encouraging Rev. Joseph La'azarus and other missionaries. Thank God for the provision of funds to purchase a Land. Pray that God will hasten the registration of ECWA in Malawi. 

SATURDAY 12th CAMEROON: Thank the Lord for using our missionaries to reach out to the Cameroonians. Praise the Lord for many souls that are saved. Also thank the Lord for making the Douala church to grow rapidly. Pray for Rev. Tanimu and his family that God will protect them from the forces of darkness. 

SUNDAY 13th TOGO: Praise God for his protection over the lives of our missionaries in Togo. Thank him for new converts and for his provision to repair the Wahala church that was destroyed by the rain and storms. Pray that God will provide the funds for Atakpame church to make a ‘batcher’ (Temporary Zinc Shade) for members to have a place of worship. 

MONDAY 14th ISRAEL: Thank the Lord for his provision to sustain the work in Israel. Pray for Brother Obadiah and his assistance that God will give them success in their registration process of ECWA in Israel. 

TUESDAY 15th NIGER: Praise God for sustaining all our missionaries in the midst of hardships. Pray that the Lord will continue to encourage them. Also pray that God will give us a breakthrough start ECWA Niger Republic, while continuing our partnerships on the field with SIM related churches there. 

WEDNESDAY 16th BURKINA FASO: Praise God for using Rev Abba Baba Gida, Pastor Yusuf, Pastor Dauda and their families to advance His Kingdom here. Pray that God will provide all the funds needed for Rev Culumbus' children’s school fees to enable them return back to the mission field. Also pray for Pastor Dauda that God will add more souls into their newly planted church in Ouagadougou. 

THURSDAY 17th CROSS-BORDERS: Thank the Lord for the invitation of ECWA Togo, Cameroon and Chad by the ECWA executives to be observers at the GCC. Also pray for prospective missionaries that we are planning to send to Cotonou, Ghana and Niamey that God will provide all the resources needed and prepare them for effective ministry.

FRIDAY 18th NEW MISSIONARIES/ SUPPORTERS: There is an increasing demand for missionaries from all across Nigeria and beyond. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to raise laborers into His vineyard. Also, pray to God to raise more supporters..

SATURDAY 19th NORTH-EAST REGION: In spite of the happenings in the North East (the base of Boko Haram Islamic Terrorist Group), the people are asking for missionaries to be posted to the region, please pray about this. Thank God, the Regional coordinator’s official Hilux van that was involved in a ghastly motor accident is now on road.

SUNDAY 20th SOUTH NORTH EAST: This Region is under siege. Islamic terrorists have been doing a lot of havoc, persecuting Christians and waging relentless religious war. Please pray for God’s intervention.

MONDAY 21st NORTH CENTRAL REGION: Thank God for the success of Jos DCC Mission Conference that was held last month. Pray for the success of the wedding of our Missionary in Gwol DCC, Pst. Adumi Halilu. It comes up today in Gure. Pray for Rev. Ibrahim Garba, Zagun DCC Coordinator who lost his 17 year daughter last month. Pray for comfort for Rev. Ayuba Habu, Zabolo DCC Coordinator who lost his 2 brothers and mother last month.

TUESDAY 22nd NORTH CENTRAL REGION: Pray for 115 new converts to grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for peace to reign in the Region, especially in Gwol, Bukuru and Yelwa DCCs. Thank God for 7 new Missionaries who were successfully taken to various mission fields within the region. Pray for them to adapt to the new environment.

WEDNESDAY 23rd  SOUTH WEST REGION: Pray for the success of a proposed awareness in this Region.

THURSDAY 24th SOUTH EAST REGION: Thank God for the success of friends and supporters’ forum held in Enugu DCC last February. Thank God for the number of people that heard the gospel last month and pray that the converts will be established in their new faith. Pray for the success of the first Mission week in 2014.

FRIDAY 25th NORTH WEST REGION: Thank God for additional 8 supporters last month. Thank God for Mr.& Mrs.Thomas Shakunu who donated a new motorcycle to the EMS Coordinator of Fadan Kagoma DCC. Thank God for the success of the supporters’ forum in Zaria DCC. Thank God for an anonymous donor in Kaduna South DCC who gave the sum of ₦50,000 for EMS Children’s School, Farin Gada Jos.

SATURDAY 26th  CITY MINISTRIES: God has continued to use brethren to support this ministry. Please pray for all these people and their families for God to visit them in special ways

SUNDAY 27th SPORTS FRIENDS: The coordinator of this ministry, Rev. Emmanuel Ali was admitted in a hospital, but now he is healed. Praise the LORD!

MONDAY 28th MISSION WEEK: The EMS first mission week starts today. Please join us as we start a week long prayer/ fasting for the success of this program. All ECWA Churches are required this week to follow the Missions Activities Programme produced by EMS Headquarters and distributed to all Local Church congregations. On Sunday, Local Churches are expected to send all their collections to EMS Headquarters.  Pray for revivals in Passion for Missions, salvation of souls  and for faithfulness by Local churches and District Church Councils in remitting the funds collected on Sunday 

TUESDAY 29th PRAYER AND FASTING: The EMS family is continuing with its prayer and fasting today. Our major focus is the first Mission week. Please join us.

WEDNESDAY 30th PRAYER AND FASTING: The EMS family is continuing with its prayer and fasting today. Our major focus is the first Mission week. Please join us. Praise the LORD and give thanks for seeing us through to the end of this month.



    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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