We at ECWA USA wish you and yours a Happy New Year


1st January

Praise God for making us to see this year.

Thank God for many things we achieved last year in our various fields around the globe and in the office. We give God the glory.

2nd January

Pray for EMS ministry for greater move of the Holy Spirit among us this year as we attempt to take greater steps of reaching other nations.

Pray that God will grant Visas to Missionaries from South Korea that are planning to come for prayer and visit with the Lees and EMS in as from the second week of this month.


3rd January

Praise and thank God for the EMS Children school Kufana which was successfully dedicated and commissioned for children of Missionaries serving in the Far North region. The children had their first term successfully. We praise God for many helping hands that donated facilities towards achieving such a project. Pray that God will provide  about N3.5m needed to complete the Hostel Parent house, dormitories and classrooms finishing.

4th January

Pray for the North West Region, the Regional Coordinator Rev. Gambo Ayuba and the 9 DCC Coordinators that are working with 141 Missionaries in various fields for God to put a hunger of knowing Him more in their lives.


5th January

Praise and thank God for the  7 new enlisted supporters from the Central Region. Also  for the good mobilization of members and how God is stirring people’s heart to see the need to send out Missionaries.

6th January

Thank God for ECWA Maitama Ministers’ Hill, the church gave out 10 new motorcycles to Missionaries presented several Television sets and DVDs including  2 sets  for Missionaries on the Donkin Hills. A member of the church also provided for  up to 10 Missionaries  to go for pilgrimage in Israel.

7th January

Pray for Rev. Yohanna Turba the Central Regional Coordinator and the 6 Coordinators who are working with 120 Missionaries in the region that they will know Christ, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering.


8th January

We praise God for the Mission Station at Agimaza in Nassarawa State DCC which was visited by a team from Katsina as a result of that, the chief gave land for school. As a result, 4 classrooms have been built, and the Youth Fellowship gave 2 bundles of roofing sheets. Pray for God to open doors for funds to complete the project.

9th January

Praise God for the licensing of 4 of our Missionaries at Makurdi DCC and the encouragement they have received as a result.

10th December

Pray that God will provide 3 motorcycles for our Coordinators in the region. They needed to replace the old ones.

11th January

Pray for Rev. Adamu Dutse the Mid East Regional Coordinator and the 6 Coordinators who are laboring alongside with 93 field Missionaries in the region that their knowledge of Christ would increase more and more and their desire to serve the Master.


12th January

Thank God for the privilege of opening 7 new stations. Pray for the growth of these fields.

13th January

The EMS Management was full of praise to God at our December reporting when we heard how God opened doors for Borno and Yobe DCCs to pay salaries without help from EMS Headquarters inspite of the menace of Boko Haram. Also none of the Missionaries has left his post because of the threat of Boko Haram. Join us to praise God it was really His own doing.

14th January

Pray for Rev. Rev. Zakka Ma’aji the Central Regional Coordinator and the 12 DCC Coordinators who are working with 184 Field Missionaries for courage and willingness to serve in the most difficult zone in time like this. Pray that they would know Christ, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering so they can stand for Him in this moment of trials.


15th January

Pray for EMS Management as they meet today for God’s direction as they deliberate on issues that would further the Kingdom of God.

16th January

Pray for EMS Head Office staff as they go on retreat Prayer Retreat from 18th – 19 January at EMS Rhizha Retreat Center that God would use the time to give them vision for greater work ahead.

17th January

Pray for the visit to Koma Hills in Gongola DCC by some Management members from 24th – 28th January for God’s protection and good assessment of the work going there over the decades.


18th January

Praise God for the suspension of the strike on the Plateau. Pray for the Governor David Jonah Jang and all those in leadership that Plateau would be an example of righteousness in governance in the Northern states this year.

19th January

The Jos DCC Women Fellowship went to Yelwa DCC for outreach and the focus was to our Mission fields. Praise God for the 194 converts and pray for their spiritual growth and maturity.

20th January

Mission Committees have been appointed in Gol (Barkin Ladi), Bukuru, Zabolo and Miango DCCs. Pray that the members of these committees would be used of God for making awareness on the activities of EMS in the districts.

21st January

Pray for Rev. Gana Danladi Slash the North Central Regional Coordinator and the 10 Coordinators working with 135 field Missionaries, that God would make them willing to devote themselves to knowing Christ, His power of resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering.


22nd January

Thank God for the two young men who joined Rev. Paul Egema at Umulewe. They were willing to reach to other people in the community. Pray for proper discipleship and maturity.

23rd January

Pray for Umuahia DCC for God’s special grace as they work hand in hand with EMS for the progress of the ministry and God’s Kingdom.

24th January

Pray for the South East Regional Coordinator Pastor Egelonu Obinali who works alongside with  3 DCC Coordinators that have a total of 20 field Missionaries that God would make the knowledge of Christ, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings their ultimate desire this year.


25th January

We praise God for His move in Kagoro DCC which is the first within the region to show willingness to pay their EMS Coordinator. This is answer to prayers.

26th January

Pray for the Regional Coordinator for Mid Central Region, Rev. Ishaku D. Katuri who has 9 DCC 9 Coordinators and a total of 71 field Missionaries. Most of the Coordinators are newly posted. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom through the knowledge of Him who called them.


27th January

Praise God for the Arabic Training that started in December 2012 extending to January 2013 at the EMS of ECWA World Mission Training Center Egbe. We desire that it would go a long way in helping the participants work among the Muslims better.

28th January

Pray for Pastor Oluwa Femi Bandele who works with 12 DCCs for good cooperation and understanding as they joined hands to expand the Kingdom of God.


29th January

We praise God for journey mercies granted to some of our Missionaries who were sponsored to go on pilgrimage to Israel from the Far North Region.

30th January

The Lord is bringing people among the Hausa and Fulani people to Himself through our Missionaries witnessing and the Radio Broadcast to the Far North. Pray for us as we labour this year for God’s grace to lead us to areas where the harvest is ripe.

31st January

Pray for Rev. Shu’aibu Idris even as he takes up the responsibility of coordinating EMS Fulani ministry and also Fulani Radio broadcast that God would direct and lead him for the praise of God’s glory.


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Christmas 2012 is all upon us, we at ECWA USA wish you and yours a joyous, safe and Merry Christmas

Preparing For The Last Christmas!
By Stephen Baba Panya, Director of EMS
(This can also be accessed with other articles at www.emsofecwa.org)

In this spiritual and theologically muddled up world, where anything perceived to be negative is outrightly rejected, many believers seeing this topic would begin to ‘reject it in Jesus name’. Preparing for the Last Christmas would spoil the joy of celebration for many because it connotes saying bye to this world which many professed Christians, urged on by prosperity preaching, have unfortunately come to love with all their heart, soul and strength, instead of God. May God in His grace and mercy, restore the first love we had for Christ, when we first heard His pure undiluted gospel in Jesus name! In any case beloved of God, let your heart be at peace, the Last Christmas is not talking about your last Christmas celebration on earth ( although it could well be! ). The last Christmas is certainly not talking about your impending death ( I suspect a great relief for many!). However, the Last Christmas is about something much more serious .

Christmas is when we remember the coming of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ to this world and it is traditionally celebrated by most Christendom on the 25th of December of every year. The Last Christmas the world should be preparing for is not the traditional Christmas celebration of 25th December, it is the second coming of Christ Jesus and this can take place on, before or after 25th December 2012! Are you prepared? If you are, how prepared are your loved ones and others in the world?

The Last Christmas will be totally different from the First Christmas in so many ways. In the first Christmas, the Lord Jesus came into this world humbly, quietly, as a helpless Baby in Bethlehem under the care of His earthly parents. At the Last Christmas , the Lord Jesus shall come in power and glory, with the saints triumphant and His mighty angelic host. In the first Christmas, He came as the Sacrificial Lamb of God, to die on the cross of Calvary for our sins, that all those who believe in Him shall be saved from their sins and eternal death in hell fire when they die. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life ( John 3 :16). At the last Christmas, the Lord Jesus shall come as the Lord and Judge of this world, to seperate the sheep form the goats, believers in Him and non-believers in Him. Believers shall enter into eternal paradise to dwell with God for ever and ever in heaven, while unbelievers in Him shall be separated to eternal hell fire where they shall enter into unending pain, suffering and sorrow with the devil and his demons. For it is appointed unto man to die but once and after that comes judgment ( Hebrews 9:27).

The Last Christmas would therefore be a big celebration of abundant and unending bliss of life for true believers in Christ but unfortunately, it would be the beginning of eternal pain, suffering and sorrow for majority of the people of world today that have rejected the Lordship of Christ or are yet to hear about the first Christmas, that Christ came and died to save them from the sins.

As a watchman, God told prophet Ezekiel, “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak out to dissuade him from his ways, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood. But if you do warn the wicked man to turn from his ways and he does not do so, he will die for his sin, but you will have saved yourself( Ezek 33:7-9).

Those that have heard and rejected the gospel would account for themselves on that great day of judgment, but we believers as watchmen of God, are responsible for those that are yet to hear the gospel, or sufficiently enough to make a decision for or against Christ.

The end purpose of Missions is to help everyone in this world, both present and future generations if the Lord tarries, to prepare for the Last Christmas. As you celebrate Christmas this year, remember that many are yet to hear about the first Christmas. How then can they prepare for the Last Christmas? God has squarely placed this responsibility on us. Let us Pray, Let us Give and Let Us go to proclaim Jesus Saviour and Lord to the utmost part of the world. The Lord Jesus is the only hope of this earth. Missions is our God given responsibility. Let us therefore, by His grace and power , work together to prepare the people of this world for the Last Christmas, so that it would be a joyful celebration for as many as possible and not a day of pain, sorrow and gnashing of teeth. Have a blessed Christmas and New Year in Advance, if the Lord tarries!




    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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