Post Tagged with: "Jesus Christ"

Lack of Faith?

Lack of Faith?

by Got Questions The apostle Paul exhorts Christians to “walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). What we see here is a contrast between truth and perception—what we know and believe to be true and what we perceive to be true. This is where the Christian struggle […]

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Why Is the Bible Different from Other Religious Books?

Why Is the Bible Different from Other Religious Books?

by Tim Burns The Christian Bible is a history book and many other history books exist. The Bible comments on a belief system which promises the practitioner peace and a better life. From Confucius to Mohammed, Tony Robbins to L. Ron Hubbard, myriads of books set forth similar claims. So […]

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Joseph, Mother Mary and Baby Jesus.

Did Jesus Have A Last Name?

by Got Questions Christ is not Jesus’ last name or surname. People in those days did not have last names. Instead, they were identified in other ways, especially if they had a common name (and Jesus was a common name). Many people were identified by who their fathers were, for […]

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Jesus of Nazareth (Image by Thomas B).

Jesus of Nazareth

by Jesus Christ Savior The point of origin and central figure of the Christian faith is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Son of God. Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah prophesied in Hebrew Scripture, our Old Testament of the Bible. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem […]

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Jesus Christ Our Savior

by Jesus Christ Savior “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, or that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Gospel […]

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Who We Are

Who We Are

ECWA is a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality.

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