Post Tagged with: "ecwa"

Spiritual Giants

If you think you are a spiritual giant because you have been a Christian for many years, or degrees earned from seminaries, a position in the church, a spiritual gift being exercised, financial contribution, and holy life that you live, think again. You are a spiritual giant only in your […]

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Erecting Your Memorial

When God stopped the flow of the Jordan and the children of Israel crossed over the river on dry ground, they were commanded to pick up stones from the riverbed and set them up as a memorial (Jos. 3 and 4). No one, including the unborn generation, was to forget […]

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Irresistible Heaven

Heaven, as described in Revelation 21:1-22:6, is irresistible, and the price is right – absolutely free – free to us but paid for by Christ’s death on the cross. The current earth and heaven with all the hang-ups will pass away, and God will usher us into a new heaven […]

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