Should We Continue to Celebrate?

There is no doubt that our political independence is worth celebrating every year. We have come a long way regarding self-determination and freedom and making our own decisions, whether foolish or wise. However, we must stop and evaluate what we have accomplished, what we are accomplishing, and what we hope […]

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Moses with His Arms Supported by Aaron and Hur by Brigstocke, Thomas, 1809-1881

Prayer Warriors Are Power Brokers

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mat. 26:41). The weakness of the flesh is exemplified in Israel’s battle against the Amalekites in Exodus 17. Despite Moses’ strong spirit, the battle would have been lost if Aaron […]

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You Are God’s Mobile Prayer House

The temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem was, as I term it, God’s residence here on earth. People went there to worship and pray. When Jesus encountered merchants who turned the temple into a supermarket, he drove them. He declared, Is it not written: My house will be called a […]

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God’s Schedule for You to Pray!

Obstacles! Obstacles!! Obstacles!!! We meet obstacles every day and in every sphere of our lives. No one, no family, and no nation is immune from obstacles. The desert and the Red Sea were obstacles to the Israelites fleeing from Pharoah (Exo. 14). Goliath was an obstacle as the Israelites fought […]

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An Invitation to Holiness

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: Be holy, because I am holy (1Pt. 1:15-16). Many Christians believe in misconceptions about holiness rather than in its possibility, as God commanded us. We think that holiness is the […]

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When Weakness Is Strength

Independence is a cherished value today. Kids want to do things without the interference of adults; adults, and even seniors do things and are agitated when anyone gives unsolicited advice. Dependence is considered an admission of weakness or failure. In our culture today, where everyone must be a winner and […]

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The Paradox of Freedom and Law

Laws are excellent if they do not apply to you. Many young people long for the day they go to college, or somewhere they are no longer under their parents’ ‘restrictive’ rules. However, no sooner than they are out of parental supervision than they must submit to new restrictive rules […]

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Mirrors, Mirrors, Mirrors.

Mirrors are a great discovery and so vital that we have them in bathrooms, bedrooms, and living rooms, and most ladies carry them around in their purses. As the mirror reveals, there is always a 100% response to fix whatever is incorrect. As good as the mirror is, it lacks […]

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