
Why is hard for Christians to receive healing? (Christina Hibbert)?

Coping with Healing

As a healing evangelist, I am asked many questions concerning healing. One common question asked is: “Why do you think it is hard for Christians to receive healing? It seems most are already resigned to go the medical route because God uses doctors.” This is a reasonable question, and there is an answer for it.

It has been difficult for Christians, especially in the Western World, to receive healing because they have not been taught about faith for healing on a consistent basis.

People are willing to wait seven to 10 days for an antibiotic to heal their bodies, because they have been taught for many years that if they take one tablet of this medicine three times a day, they will be healed. They are even willing to overlook physical symptoms of the illness, because they have been taught that the symptoms and the sickness will be healed as long as they take the medicine faithfully. So, their faith has been activated, they follow their doctor’s instructions, and they are healed by the medicine.

But God’s people are not willing to wait this amount of time for divine healing to manifest, because they have not been consistently taught that if they will be faithful to take God’s medicine, His Word concerning healing, three times a day, morning, noon and night, that their bodies will be healed. And because of the lack of faith teaching for healing, if they experience any type of symptom after prayer, they doubt the power in God’s medicine and are not healed.

When God’s people hear the message of faith for healing on a consistent basis and put faith for healing into action, then they are healed. And not only are they healed, but they walk in divine health and avoid sickness all together.

Our faith to believe God for healing will automatically activate when we are taught the Word for healing on a consistent basis.

This is why it has been difficult for Christians to receive healing in the past, but we can change this and start to teach the healing message to those around us.

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Becky Dvorak is a dynamic preacher of the Gospel, healing evangelist, prophetess to the nations, and author about faith for the miraculous and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Becky spent twenty-five years in the trenches of services for Christ Jesus in an orphanage in Guatemala, Central America. God performed many miracles through Becky during that time, including the raising of the dead. Now the Lord is releasing Becky to equip the Body of Christ in the earth realm on a much greater scale. Through her relatable ministry experience, Becky learned how to enforce God’s supernatural power in her life. Visit her at



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