
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chron. 16:11

Seeking God’s Face or His Favors? (Images by Small Frog-Getty Images)
Seeking God’s Face or His Favors? (Images by Small Frog/Getty Images)

An infant looks to the mother to meet its needs. A student looks to the teacher to instruct him/her with right knowledge. A nation looks to its leader for good governance leading to peace, prosperity, etc. There is expectation and failure to deliver is not an option.

The verse quoted above invites us to look to the Lord – to trust, rely and depend on Him. Although God has many attributes, we are asked here to focus on His strength which Chambers defines as: “the condition of being physically or mentally strong; power of action; ability to withstand great pressure or force, etc.” God is perfect in strength.

We are also enjoined to seek His face always. Generally, we seek God’s hand, not His face. We want God to meet every need of ours – that is, seeking His hand. But when we seek God’s face, we want to know Him, reverence and live to please Him. This is what pleases the Lord. Seeking God’s hand without seeking His face is wasted effort. But when we seek God’s face, He reaches out to bless us even when we did not ask anything of Him.

How can you seek God’s face? Read the Bible every day, pay attention to what He is saying and act on it. Pray! This is talking to God. Talk to Him about everything that concerns you, His Kingdom, and your willingness to live for Him. The more you do this, the more God will reveal Himself to you.

Rev. Sunday BwanhotAuthor:
Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is EMS/SIM Missionary. He serves as Team leader of SIM Culture Connexions; Pastors of ECWA Chicago and ECWA USA DCC Chairman.



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