
Pray for Nigeria

Pray that the current administration in Nigeria would ensure protection, justice, equity, and economic productivity for all their citizens. The violence against Christians by militant Islamic groups in the north often result in loss of life, physical injury and especially loss of property. Pray for those dealing with the effects of recent violence against them. Please pray for the Lord’s divine intervention for immediate physical relief and spiritual needs.

Thousands of women remain in Boko Haram captivity. Pray for their liberation and for the Nigerian leaders to protect all their citizens. Pray for those who have been freed or managed to escape to receive proper physical and emotional support.

Let us thank the Lord that most Christians in the southern part of the country can still worship the Lord freely. Pray for greater engagement from the Church in South with the Church in the northern parts of the country.

Pray the Nigerian church will be able to resist the pressure to take up arm and give up the faith. Pray the Christians in Nigeria will have the grace to respond to their challenges in a way that glorifies Christ.

Out of over 180 million people in Nigeria, about 35 million are still unemployed or underemployed and nearly 15 million children are out of school due to several issues. Pray for a visionary, purposeful and competent leadership that will leverage economic prosperity for all their citizens.

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