by ECWA USA Editorial Board | We are thankful and so blessed for your continued readership and for inviting ECWA USA NEWS into your home every month.
It’s that time of the year to reflect on the amazing things that the Lord is doing in your individual Church organization. And their is no better way to let the Lord know how pleased you are than to Praise Him in your worship, prayer and increased giving this season.
When you’re a kid and you need something, (and trust me we all need something) you go to your parent(s) or guidance and ask for help/assistance. But let’s face it, we don’t want the Church leaders to continually send out an appeal for support every Sunday and every time they need our support. Let us as an individual make the initiative and increase our donation to the work of the Lord. No amount of our year-end charitable giving plans is too big or too small. Today is the best day to make that donation while you’re still shopping for that perfect gift for your loved ones. Trust me, your will be blessed and rewarded immensely. Without your presence and generosity, there wouldn’t even be a Christmas service to attend.

As the year come to a close, let’s be thankful for the Lord many blessings and prepare our self for many new opportunities in the New Year! Year end giving doesn’t have to be only in cash, don’t forget securities or real estate contribution goes a long way to getting the ministries of your church going.
We are thankful and so blessed for your continued readership and for inviting ECWA USA NEWS into your home every month; from stories showcasing How Does a Church Survive When Big Givers Leave? at the beginning of the year to How to survive the Next Wave of Automation. We encourage you to continue to pray for the work of the Lord while preparing yourself for jobs that do yet exist in the next wave of automation.