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1st, APRIL


Thank God for the receipt of funds from our foreign partners, Help For the Brethren, Germany, which has enabled  EMS to continue its mercy ministry to missionaries, pastors and believers generally of different denominations, devastated by religious crisis especially attacks by Boko Haram and other Muslim groups in the middle and northern parts of Nigeria.

EMS has since realized that crisis relief ministry for such purposes will continue to be needed and is believing God to raise N5m (Five Million Naira only) specifically for this purpose this year 2013. Pray that God will provide the funds needed please.



2n,   APRIL

Thank God for the building construction that is going on at EMS of ECWA World School of Missions in Egbe. Pray for provision and  its’ sustenance.                                                                                                                                         

3rd, APRIL Thank God for the 89 new converts in the region. Pray that these new converts will be established and rooted in God’s love.



4th,  APRIL  

Pray for the family of Late Rev. & Mrs Rahila Isaiac Daudo both of whom were knocked down by a car and died on February 20, 2013 leaving five children of whom two are in the secondary school while two of the girls were taken to EMS Children’s School Jos immediately after the burial. The smallest one  was adopted. The relatives of late missionaries are muslims and taking the children to them would jeopardize their faith. Pray that God will bring families that will be willing to adopt the rest of the children.

5th,  APRIL

Thank God for providing 7 new supporters for the region, prayer for God’s blessings upon them. Thank God for providing 5 news missionaries to work in the region. Pray that these missionaries will be effective in their various areas of posting.

6th,  APRIL

Pray for the  targeted unreached communities of five tribes in the region: Kadaras, Jibis, Tivs, Gbagyis and Koros,  that they will be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank God for new supporters in the Region.



7th,  APRIL

Thank God for the growth of some prayer stations that have reached the level of weaning. Pray that others will continue to grow to a stage of handing over to the DCCs.

8th, APRIL

Thank God for the success of the regional outreach to unreached areas in which 605 new converts were won. Pray for their growth into maturity. Also Pray for those that rededicated their lives to the Lord for God to strengthen them.



9th, APRIL

Thank God for the increase of supporters. Pray that these supporters would experience God’s blessings in their lives.

10th, APRIL

Thank God for 40 new converts who came to know the Lord Jesus. Pray for their spiritual growth in Christ.

11th, APRIL

Thank God for positive responses of supporters that travelled to Togo ECWA/EMS Inauguration/Outreach. Pray for God’s blessings upon their families. Pray for 12 newly posted missionaries that they will quickly adjust to the Language/Culture of the people


CROSS BOARDERS PRAYER CONCERNS.                                                            

 12th, APRIL   


Praise God for the successful inauguration of ECWA Togo by ECWA Executive. Thank God for the full  involvement of ECWA Executive and also the  GCC, DCC, LCC, LCB, Church agencies, supporters, and individuals.

Pray that God will provide the finances to purchase more lands, which will cost N9.3 million, also, they need 5 motor-cycles which will cost N160, 000 each and a Hillux which will cost 5million for the coordination of the work among missionaries.



Thank God for the 8 years commitment and sacrifice of Rev.& Mrs. Columbus Panwa in Burkina Faso. Pray for their successful return to Nigeria this year that God will sustain the growth of work they started. Pray for Rev. & Mrs. Ibrahim Yusuf who will be taking over from them that God will give him wisdom and strengthen him to do more for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

Pray for God’s strength for Rev. & Mrs Ibrahim Abba, our Fulani Missionaries in Burkina to continue the good work they have been doing in partnership with the SIM related Church there.

Pray for Pastor Dauda Iliya who will be starting new work in Ouagouadougou, capital of Burkina Faso.


14th, APRIL      

EMS of ECWA continues to receive requests from other Countries that are in dire need of missionaries. In view of these needs, EMS have interview potential candidates for the following countries.                 

MALAWI FIELD. Pray for Rev. & Mrs Joseph La’azarus, missionaries to Malawi. Pray for them as they finalise the documentation with the Malawian authourities. Pray that let God prepare the ground for him to be effective.


15th, APRIL

CAMEROON FIELD. Rev. & Mrs Tanimu Ishaya Umaru. They are missionaries to Cameroon. They are preparing for their take-off, pray that God will help them to effective at their arrival. Pray for God to provide.

As we pray for the growth of the work of our missionaries who are already working there, pray that God will provide funds to pay for the accommodation of the missionaries in Ngaoundѐrѐ and Maroua.


16th,  APRIL


Thank God for the ministry of Rev. & Mrs Silas Yako whom the Lord is already using mightily. Pray for the new converts already won. Thank God for the completion of the auditorium. Pray for God’s provision and strength to complete other building Projects.   

 The Gambia Field needs more man power as a result of their ministry which is growing very fastly. The greater need now is discipleship of those converts to enable them grow into maturity. That is the reason we are sending Pastor & Mrs. Blessings A. Chamman to work alongside with the Yakos. Pray God’s blessing as the Chammans prepare to join them.                                                                                                                                                                     

17th,  APRIL


Praise God for the good work of all our missionaries working in this country. They need our prayer against various attacks of the enemies of the gospel. They are trusting God to provide funds to buy more land for church buildings. The work is enormous and there are greater opportunities for evangelism and church planting there. Pray that God will help us utilizes these opportunities.


18th,  APRIL


Thank for the work in Israel which is being handled by a tent making church planter. They need a full time missionary that will continue the growth of the church already started there.

Pray for the registration of the church there, that this process will be completed very soon.



19th, APRIL 

We thank God for few Fulani  Christians in this field, however, pray  that God will bring the crisis to an end. We need another missionary who will replaced Rev. & Mrs Idris Shu’abu who served for several years and are now back home.

 Pray that God will help Rev & Mrs Idris Shauibu as he  handles their new responsibilities as Radio Evangelists and EMS Fulani Ministry Coordinator.



 20th, APRIL

Thank God for the donation of a land to a retired Missionary to build his home in Dass DCC.                                                                                                                         

21st,  APRIL

Pray for 7 of our missionaries who were attacked in their  mission stations today March 21, 2013 by Fulani Muslim marauders. They need help of clothing and funds to rebuild both church auditoriums and their accommodations which were burnt down. Kirin Field is one the 7 mission stations again attacked. The mission station was earlier burn down on December 25th, 2012. Thank God for the security who rescued the missionary. His house and the church were completely burnt down. Pray for God’s encouragement for these seven missionaries and their families who were greatly traumatised.

22nd, APRIL 

Thank God for the donation of one new motorcycle that was bought by the ECWA Bishara 3, Bauchi DCC.  Pray for God’s comfort for Pastor & Mrs.Yahaya Turaki who lost their daughter through illness.  Also, pray for other sick missionaries in the region that God would heal them.



23rd, APRIL                                                                                                                                      Thank God for the 64 new converts in the region. Pray that they will stand firm in the faith in the midst of persecution. Pray for God’s comfort on relations of 5 people that were killed  by Fulanis who are members of Boko Haram. Pray for the salvation of Boko Haram members.

24th, APRIL

Thank God for the successful surgery of Mrs. Rahila Bala, a missionary’s wife who was sick. Pray for her speedy recovery from her surgery.

25th, APRI

Thank God for the opportunity to witness to Muslims and to love them as Jesus would do.  Pray for Mallam Hassan who wants to accept Christ but he is afraid of what would befall him after conversion. Pray that God will have his way in his life.


Thank God for Sport Ministry of EMS. Pray for the salvation of 7 Muslims who are part of  Sports team and who have shown great interest in the gospel,  that they will accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.

Pray that God will strengthen the partnership between EMS and SIM Sportsfriend for a more effective sports ministry through EMS.



27th, APRIL

 We praise God for the speedy recovery of our missionary Pastor & Mrs. Danladi Kangam who went through surgery as a result of ill health. Pray for other missionaries who are sick that God will give them good health.

28th, APRIL

We thank God for saving the life Elizabeth A. Amos who had snake-bite while in the EMS Children school, Lakwame. As an orphan, she was worried but thank God, EMS Headquarters  took complete care of her health and she is back to EMS Children to continue classes with her mates. Praise God.



29th, APRIL

We thank God for the successful Regional Conference to took place in Makurdi. Thank God for additional 6 supporters, pray for God’s blessings for them. Also, pray for newly transferred coordinators, that God will help them to adjust to their various areas of assignments.



 30th, APRIL

Thank God for his divine comfort for  Joel Haruna who lost 3 people within the short-short intervals including his father ( Rev. Bulus Haruna). Pray for Elizabeth Harkson who is still on admission at Bingham Hospital today and others who are sick that God will given them healing. Pray for the sustenance of the City Ministries.



 31st, APRIL 

Pray for the recovery of our Missionaries, Rev. & Mrs. Falisha Emmanuel Musa,  who fell from their motor-bike on their way to an official assignment.

Pray for the newly posted coordinators in the region,  that they will adjust quickly to the environment.



    We are a congregation of Christian people seeking to spread the news of Jesus Christ through bible and prayers. We welcome people from all walks of life, no matter what their origin, race, color or nationality. Our faith community is a diverse and inclusive community that emphasizes the display of God’s glory in all races and cultures.

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