
Rescuing children, securing safety and education, building bright futures
Rescuing children, securing safety and education, building bright futures (Evan Robbins)

How did a humble history teacher in New Jersey come to rescue enslaved kids in Ghana? Meet Evan Robbins, founder of Breaking the Chain through Education (BTCTE). It takes a very special person with compassion, selflessness, commitment and a creative mind to choose this path. Evan has not only rescued dozens of Ghananian children, but also inspired a generation of students in his classroom to pursue social justice.

Astonished by an exposé in The New York Times describing the exploitation of children sold by their parents into slavery to fisherman in the Lake Volta region of Ghana, Evan decided to teach his students about the atrocity. Those profound lessons about human rights soon morphed into school-wide fundraisers to rescue trafficked children in Ghana, and ultimately led to the formation of Breaking the Chain through Education, dedicated to eradicating child slavery in Ghana.

To date, BTCTE has successfully freed close to 100 children, with some of those rescues facilitated by the matching grant of the Good People Fund. Another 250 children in a remote area attend a newly built school as part of an exchange that BTCTE negotiated to protect local children from being sold into slavery.

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